LSI Imaging Contest! | Cash Prizes for the top three entries submit by August 31 2022

Dear LSI Members,

The LSI Imaging Contest has been extended to the end of August.

We realize people are away at this time of year, and have heard some labs talking about the competition who have not yet submitted entries.

Who can participate? The contest is open to ALL researchers in the LSI – from trainees to PIs. Everyone can vote!

What are we looking for? Arresting images! Cutting edge techniques! Help us celebrate the Biological Resilience Initiative!

Timeline: Submit your entries by Wednesday August 31st. Judging will take place in September, and our best images will be displayed on the ground floor of the LSC, as well as adorning the walls near LSI Imaging, to provide inspiration.

How to Enter: Up to three entries per participant

Send your .tiffs, .jpegs or .psds. (No compressed files!) and a document including the information below

Save your files in the following format: Last Name, First Name, Lab Name, Image title.

Name of the Photographer

Contact information

Brief Bio of the Photographer

Title of the image

Legend for the image (less than 100 words)


Best wishes from the LSI Imaging Contest Team!